EZGO Light Kits

RHOX LED Light Kits for the EZ-GO Golf Cart are a revolutionary design that allows you to see farther and clearer and as important other drivers see you coming and going. 

The difference is like "Night and Day"......

Patent Pending Red Hawk LED Light Kits feature energy efficient, environmentally friendly LED lights that reduce power consumption and preserve battery life! 

  • Solid state lighting with sealed connections - No exposed wires or circuit boards
  • Focuses light in a specific direction for better illumination
  • Built to stand the test of time - LED lights can last up to 50,000 hours
  • Available in a variety of configurations to fit almost every need

EZGO Light Kits

RHOX LED Light Kits for the EZ-GO Golf Cart are a revolutionary design that allows you to see farther and clearer and as important other drivers see you coming and going. 

The difference is like "Night and Day"......

Patent Pending Red Hawk LED Light Kits feature energy efficient, environmentally friendly LED lights that reduce power consumption and preserve battery life! 

  • Solid state lighting with sealed connections - No exposed wires or circuit boards
  • Focuses light in a specific direction for better illumination
  • Built to stand the test of time - LED lights can last up to 50,000 hours
  • Available in a variety of configurations to fit almost every need

EZGO Light Kits

RHOX LED Light Kits for the EZ-GO Golf Cart are a revolutionary design that allows you to see farther and clearer and as important other drivers see you coming and going. 

The difference is like "Night and Day"......

Patent Pending Red Hawk LED Light Kits feature energy efficient, environmentally friendly LED lights that reduce power consumption and preserve battery life! 

  • Solid state lighting with sealed connections - No exposed wires or circuit boards
  • Focuses light in a specific direction for better illumination
  • Built to stand the test of time - LED lights can last up to 50,000 hours
  • Available in a variety of configurations to fit almost every need

43 products