Best Lithium Battery for Golfers

If you’re primarily using your golf cart for golfing, this golf cart battery article is for you. Or if you have a 2 passenger golf cart, this is also for you. In it, we cover the best lithium batteries for golfers and 2 passenger golf carts.

Many lithium battery brands are trying to sell you more than what you need. They show a golfer with a picture of their battery. Or their battery with a golf course background. And yet….none of them are the best options for golfers as they are all likely overkill.

It's actually pretty comical that these lithium brands think their target customer is the golfer...

How do we know these batteries are overkill? Think about it. The average round of golf is only 4-6 miles. So if a 60ah lithium battery gives a stock cart 25-30 miles of range, that's plenty! This means, a 60ah or 65ah lithium battery would give you at least 2 rounds of golf, and maybe up to 8 rounds, depending on your cart’s weight.

So even though the 100ah or 105ah lithium battery is most commonly advertised, and often in those golfing pictures, it’s more than you would need if you’re primarily using your cart for golf.

Instead, here are the two best 60ah lithium battery kits we’d recommend...

Best Lithium Batteries for Golfers
(this list also works for: Best Lithium Batteries for 2 Passenger Golf Carts)
(this list also works for: Best Lithium Batteries for less than 25 miles of range)

1. Eco Battery 48v 60ah bundle
If you’re wanting extra power, especially if you’re in a hilly area, this is definitely your best option. Eco Battery upgraded their continuous and max amp output for this second generation golfer battery. Great company, great customer support, and easily the most powerful of all the 60ah - 75ah options.

Cons: Hard to believe, but if you look through all of Eco's reviews, no negatives stand out. Our customers have only had great experiences thus far.  

2. Epoch 48v 60ah (2x30ah) drop ins kit
Epoch's 48v drop ins kit is best if you are looking for a multi-pack option. You would want a multi-pack lithium battery option if any of the below are important factors for you:

  • you’re wanting the batteries to be more lightweight
  • you want them to be drop-in ready, taking on the same shape as your old lead acid batteries,
  • you’re not sure how much range you’ll need in the future and want the flexibility to easily add range


Cons: Sometimes multi-packs can have difficulty balancing multiple cells, resulting, in extreme cases, safety issues and shortening the battery life. However, Epoch's done a good job with their smart BMS to reduce the frequency of this; thus far, we have heard of zero issues. If you're willing to pay a little extra for the brand reputation and support, the Trojan's 48v 60ah kit is also a strong choice 

There are also some brands on Amazon that technically could work for you, but almost all of them are not US owned companies. Nothing wrong with that; however, based on our past experience with non-US owned lithium battery companies, we've seen customer service, golf cart hands-on expertise, and warranty support, be issues.

Note, all of the above recommendations would change if your golf cart is heavily modified, you have an upgraded controller, or desire significantly more range.

Hope that helps you as you consider what’s best for you and your cart. When you're ready to buy lithium, you should absolutely get your lithium battery at Of course, we might seem biased, but we are the only lithium store where you pay the same but get much more.

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