Lazy Life Premium Contour Three Tone Benchback Seat - Front Seat
Lazy Life Seats & Covers
Lazy Life is the top custom golf cart seat brand in the industry. Compared to other competing golf cart seat cushions in this price range, the Lazy Life Premium series dominates and surpasses competition in every area (see chart below).
This Lazy Life Premium Rear Seat with Three Tone Benchbacks is available for Club Car, Tomberlin, Evolution, Icon, EZ-GO and Yamaha Golf Carts.
Seat pictured above features Optional Double Center Stitching with Optional Piping
Note: the Stitching option tucks and tightens the inside seat portion, which creates more distinguished cushion contours. If no stiching is selected, the seat will be slightly flatter than picture seen above.
Lazy Life Color options
Lazy Life Thread Colors
Lazy Life Special Order Colors/Material
Lazy Life also offers Special Order Seat Material such as Crocodile, Ostrich, and Morbern, which are an additional cost per Seat section (outside color section, inside color section).
Simply follow these steps:
1. Select 'Special Order Color' in the color options above
2. Write the name of your special color in the comments section at checkout.
Want the Big & Tall Option?
Big & Tall can only be done on the Luxury series. The Big & Tall option keeps the knee bolstering but removes the lower back lumbar support so that you can sit back further in your seat. If you desire the Big & Tall Option, simply write “Big & Tall” in the Notes section at checkout.
Lazy Life's Design Tool
Check out Lazy Life's design tool that can help give you an idea of what your seat could look like: Lazy Life Seat Design Tool
Please call us should you need any assistance; we'd be glad to help!